Coaching and Consultation

Christa offers a blended approach of coaching
and consulting for leaders in transition. 

Christa leads LTC’s coaching and consulting offering. She can provide individualized coaching for any and all parts of a leader’s transition journey. Along the way she can offer strategic thought partnership, research on trends in Founder/Long-Term CEO transitions, and access to and support with using customizable tools for each stage of the process. She works with leaders to design an engagement that fits their needs, whether they are in the midst of a transition, post transition, planning to make a transition in the next 1-3 years, or a transition is off on a distant horizon. 

Sample Engagements
From 1 month to 1 year +)


1-3 Months of Exploration

Christa helps leaders both discern if they are ready to make a transition and determine what next steps they should take. If they are in the midst of a transition process or adjusting to their new role and are experiencing pain points, she can dive in and help them troubleshoot and implement useful strategies.

3-6 Months of Preparation

Building off the leaders' inner knowing that a transition is on the horizon, Christa helps create a customized plan for each step of their transition process including: organizational and board areas of strength and vulnerability; staff engagement; internal and external communication; funder management; post-transition roles and rules for engagement; on and off ramps for leaders and their successors; celebratory events and rituals to mark the occasion; change management; and adjustment to new ways of being.


Flexibility in this process is key!

6+ Months of Execution

Christa provides ongoing support in finalizing leadership transition plans and guides leaders at each step of the journey as they announce, execute, and experience this important life change.

In addition to engagements described above, together with clients, Christa customizes an approach that works best for each individual. Examples of additional support offerings:


Staged Coaching

Targeted coaching and support for 1-6 months as leaders create a plan, and then a re-engagement months later when the time is right to execute. 


Board Support

It may be helpful for a board or board chair to hear from an outside source who has “been there, done that.” Christa can build into the engagement time for her to share lessons learned about transitions with boards.

Fundraising/Communication Strategy

Perhaps an organization’s development or communication team(s) could use a strategic thought partner to help them think through and create a plan for how to mitigate risks and maximize the opportunity a leader’s transition provides to engage current or prospective funders. In addition to supporting leaders and their roles in fundraising/communication work, Christa can also engage directly with a team for some key targeted support.

Successor Partnership

If part of a leader’s plan includes staying on at the organization in some capacity as staff, consultant, or board member, Christa can support leaders and their successors as they build their alliance and partnership. Whether a successor is new to the organization or an internal hire, she can help leaders and successors work together to create new shared values, principles, and guidelines for engagement in their new roles. She can facilitate check-in conversations before, during, and after the formal transition to help them settle into their new roles. 

Testimonials on Christa’s Support

“Christa is the best consultant I’ve ever worked with at any time on any topic. She is without a doubt the best use of consultant money I’ve ever spent. Without her leading me through this process I wouldn’t have the bandwidth, the knowledge, or the tools to do this well and I would have been terrified. I tell anyone I can, when you start to think about your transition, hire Christa.” (Dana Mortenson, Founder and CEO WorldSavvy) 

“As I was planning my CEO/Founder Transition Christa was an invaluable support to me, something I didn't even realize I needed.  During our six months together, I felt like I had known Christa for a lifetime because of the depth of what she helped me to navigate. I appreciate Christa beyond measure.” (Jody Kent Lavy, Senior Fellow Campaign for the Fair Sentencing of Youth)

"Christa has been my transition doula and sacred witness. I am incredibly grateful for whatever happened in Christa’s life that gave her the incredible level of awareness, compassion, and insight that she has extended to me.” (Donna Garske, Center for Domestic Peace). 

Interested in exploring coaching or consulting? Contact Christa
here to schedule your free exploratory call!